How Things Move
Why Things Move
Chapter 7: Thermodynamics

Chapter 7

  1. 1. Heat
  2. 2. Temperature
  3. 3. Heat Capacity
  4. 4. Phase Changes
  5. 5. First Law of Thermodynamics
  6. 6. Perpetual Motion
  7. 7. Heat Engines
  8. 8. Carnot Engines
  9. 9. Other Engines
  10. 10. Entropy
  11. 11. Entropy and Heat
  12. 12. Heat Pumps
  13. 13. Assessment Objectives
  14. 14. Temperature
  15. 15. Heat Capacity
  16. 16. Energy Flows
  17. 17. Heat Engines
  18. 18. Efficiency
  19. 19. Maximum Efficiency
  20. 20. COP
  21. 21. Entropy
  22. Index