If a sound source has an initial frequency is $f_{src}$, and the source or an observer is moving, then the frequency $f_{obs}$ is heard by the observer is $$f_{obs}=f_{src}{\color{blue}v_w\mp v_{obs}\over \color{red}v_w\pm v_{src}}$$
$v_w$ is the speed of the sound wave. Under normal conditions, $v_w=343\u{m/s}$ in 20°C air. Start by writing $v_w$ in the numerator and denominator.
If the observer is moving away from the source, then subtract the observer's speed in the numerator.
If the observer is moving towards the source, add the speed to the numerator.
If the source is moving away from the source, then add the source's speed to the denominator.
If the source is moving towards the source, subtract the speed from the denominator.
It's possible that both source and observer are moving, in which case you will have terms in both numerator and denominator.
The end result should be smaller than $f_{src}$ if the two are moving away from each other, and should be larger if they are moving towards each other.